Having a gas card is good for your business, whether you have one or 100 vehicles. All companies with mobile staff face the same problems when it comes to fuel. Fluctuations in fuel prices can hit small businesses the hardest, but the fuel discounts and competitive rates offered by gas credit cards can provide the extra security your small business needs to survive and succeed.
Cash Flow
By eliminating the need to keep fuel bills, gas credit cards are a simple and cost-effective way to ensure your business can deduct all fuel and fuel-related purchases, helping to improve your cash flow. Every business does better when there is smooth flow of cash and with a gas credit card, you have the ability to free up cash to pay your employees, stock inventory and other things related to operating procedures.
Fixed Price
With a fixed price card, the price of your fuel is set in advance at a certain weekly rate, and it does not change even if the retail prices do. This means that you always know what you are going to pay for your fuel and can control it. With prices typically lower than those of the pumps, it is a great option to cut your fuel costs even more.
Saving Money
Gas credit cards should save you a lot more money than if you did not have it. Whether the cost of fuel goes up or stays low, you wouldn’t have to worry about that because the cost would go to the card and you have enough time to pay the bill over time. In cases where interest rates are low on the gas credit card, you get good return on your financial investment.
Better Fleet Efficiency
The gas credit card makes refueling simpler, faster and easier for your drivers, which means the employees can get back to work in less time. Fuel cards can be combined with a variety of innovative tools to help you increase the efficiency of your fleet.
Managing Your Card
Look for a fuel card that also offers online accounting software. This tool can be accessed from a computer, tablet or by downloading it on your mobile phone. It works like electronic banking, allowing you to see all your transactions, but it has more advanced features specific to managing your fuel costs. With this online management tool you can check your fuel card movements from wherever you are, which also means that you have a multitude of actionable data at your fingertips.